Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fly with purpose. Fly with faith. Fly with your God-given wings!

This here, is my second form of apology to you.
I aim to keep this one light, and as usual short! :)

Everyday's a gift, but some are maybe wrapped in slightly shinier paper. The day I met you, was one of those shiny ones. It was undeniably a brilliant trip. Kind words always stay close to my mind. You're on my mind. And under my mind. and nestled around in and to the left of my mind. Willow, today there is no room for weeping, today there is only awe and today onward we go with only awe! Dip your toes into this day, my friend. the ripples may reach further than you think. Even as the air stays cold and flurries linger in the forecast, i feel summer in your rosy presence (though it is just a virtual one).

If you have a hard time giving yourself permission to slow down, then i'll do it for you. Right now. Slow down. It makes nearly everything better. In fact, do me a favour and click this;

So my dear dear Donna, if you need to cry-eat Domnino's pizza i'll just be one social network away. I will see you soon. Absolute.

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