Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tomorrow's light can't wait to wrap you up in the biggest bear hug.

We all have so much going on, we really don't know which way its going to turn. From which direction its going to take a bad turn and how, what, or maybe even who we're going to procure for that bad turn. Life is not a destination. Its more like that bend in the trail, with a big tree obscuring your view of what's next. For those who climb without a peak in sight. Your tomorrow will be I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E!

Nothing's ever as we planned. And for good reason, Its much more complex than anything we could ever create in our silly minds. Let it surprise you. Let it knock you over. Let it keep you hopeful. It always makes up for the good and the bad. We've got the good and the bad to look forward to. Small waves can look like big waves. Life is nothing but the perspective. Just gotta get the right one!
It's all waiting for you right there, patiently-ish.

Just know you're not alone. Once a bestfriend, always one!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fly with purpose. Fly with faith. Fly with your God-given wings!

This here, is my second form of apology to you.
I aim to keep this one light, and as usual short! :)

Everyday's a gift, but some are maybe wrapped in slightly shinier paper. The day I met you, was one of those shiny ones. It was undeniably a brilliant trip. Kind words always stay close to my mind. You're on my mind. And under my mind. and nestled around in and to the left of my mind. Willow, today there is no room for weeping, today there is only awe and today onward we go with only awe! Dip your toes into this day, my friend. the ripples may reach further than you think. Even as the air stays cold and flurries linger in the forecast, i feel summer in your rosy presence (though it is just a virtual one).

If you have a hard time giving yourself permission to slow down, then i'll do it for you. Right now. Slow down. It makes nearly everything better. In fact, do me a favour and click this;

So my dear dear Donna, if you need to cry-eat Domnino's pizza i'll just be one social network away. I will see you soon. Absolute.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

For you!

There's a sort of pain that clenches consciousness in its fist's and wings it dry, leaving just the poetry. The fibres that keep us breathing, and the heart that pumps whether we will it to or not. For such an icy-cold hard year, you're dreamy and warm. Suppose some paths are softer than others. Piece by painstaking piece, we build these lives of ours. And occasionally, on our most blessed clear-sighted days, we get to step back and admire.
There is so much to explore with what you and I have. In my eyes you are the truest, kindest, strongest, most sensitive. You are not "too" anything. You just are.
Bleak times lit so brightly by hope, by you. The line between dreams and life, so beautifully smudged. You are perfect, in your colours and in your light.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The dark!

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelled. It lies behind stars and under hills. And empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after. Ends life, and kills laughter.

;That was sorta sad, so here's something to undo it. :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

So you know.. Thank you!

I woke up this morning with a sense of impending doom. Butterflies in my stomach. Fuzzy, racing brain Maybe its the threat of thunderstorms. Maybe its the threat of something else. We allow ourselves to get stuck in pretty bad thoughts, fear confusion.. doubt. All the usual fun stuff that makes us question our paths or paralyzes us mid-step

In these waiting moment, these in-between dreams, your words are like lifeboats. The sun of last night's sunset. The stars and the rain. Everything. Be, if you can, the light that shines sideways- through the slatted doors- that keeps me, from you.

Fly on towards your futures

I have to remind myself, over and over and over again, that we will rarely be great at something with our very first try. I have grown so accustomed to focusing only on the areas in which i effortlessly excel, shutting myself off from new explorations that the world has stored for the worthy-ones and the rewards of a challenge faced head-on, that i forgot i was capable of learning. So today i've decided that I need to take a different path. And that is what i will start doing from today onwards.

I have absolutely NO idea what's on the other side of tomorrow. But neither, really do you. So let's name our fear anticipation and throw our hands up in the air and face that fear and take that path we need/want.